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Color Cutscript for mIRC

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Color Cutscript for mIRC Empty Color Cutscript for mIRC

Post  Neo`Nemesis Tue May 25, 2010 5:36 am

This is a variation of the Simple Cutscript I made, its the same cutscript just with color controls and options! This one is slightly bigger, but it is a color cutscript! Once you load this script into mIRC it should ask if you want to run the initialization commands, click YES.

<---------COPY EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE----------------->
;Color Cut 1.6
;By Neo`Nemesis
on *:LOAD: {
set %csc.action 9
set %csc.speech 12
set %csc.cut 4
set %csc.enable $true
/echo -a 4 $+ $timestamp * Cut Colors 1.0 By Neo`Nemesis loaded successfuly.
alias enc {
set %cs.colours %csc.speech $+ , $+ %csc.action
if ( %cs.wrap == $null || $numtok(%cs.wrap,44) != 2 ) { set %cs.wrap $chr(34) $+ , $+ $chr(34) }
var %cs.ac = $chr(3) $+ $gettok( %cs.colours,2,44)
var %cs.qs = $chr(3) $+ $gettok( %cs.colours,1,44) $+ $gettok(%cs.wrap,1,44)
var %cs.qe = $gettok(%cs.wrap,2,44) $+ %cs.ac
var %cs.enc = $1-
var %cs.enc = $replace(%cs.enc,$chr(32) $+ $gettok(%cs.wrap,1,44),$chr(32) $+ %cs.qs)
var %cs.enc = $replace(%cs.enc,$gettok(%cs.wrap,2,44) $+ $chr(32),%cs.qe $+ $chr(32))
return %cs.enc
alias cutcolor { dialog -m cutc cutc }
dialog cutc {
title Cut Colors
option dbu
size -1 -1 90 65
text "Action Color:"1, 5 3 32 7
combo 2, 37 1 50 50,drop
text "Speech Color:"3, 2 15 35 7
combo 4, 37 13 50 50,drop
text "[CUT] Color:"5, 5 27 30 7
combo 6, 37 25 50 50,drop
check "Enable Colors"7, 5 39 43 7
button "Close"8, 20 51 50 10,ok
on *:DIALOG:cutc:init:*: {
did -a cutc 2,4,6 0 White | did -a cutc 2,4,6 1 Black
did -a cutc 2,4,6 2 Dark Blue | did -a cutc 2,4,6 3 Green
did -a cutc 2,4,6 4 Red | did -a cutc 2,4,6 5 Maroon
did -a cutc 2,4,6 6 Purple | did -a cutc 2,4,6 7 Orange
did -a cutc 2,4,6 8 Yellow | did -a cutc 2,4,6 9 Neon Green
did -a cutc 2,4,6 10 Teal | did -a cutc 2,4,6 11 Sky Blue
did -a cutc 2,4,6 12 Blue | did -a cutc 2,4,6 13 Pink
did -a cutc 2,4,6 14 Dark Grey | did -a cutc 2,4,6 15 Grey
did -c cutc 2 $calc(%csc.action + 1)
did -c cutc 4 $calc(%csc.speech + 1)
did -c cutc 6 $calc(%csc.cut + 1)
if (%csc.enable == $true) { did -c cutc 7 }
on *:DIALOG:cutc:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 2) { set %csc.action $calc($did(cutc,2).sel - 1) }
if ($did == 4) { set %csc.speech $calc($did(cutc,4).sel - 1) }
if ($did == 6) { set %csc.cut $calc($did(cutc,6).sel - 1) }
if ($did == 7) {
if (%csc.enable == $true) { set %csc.enable $false }
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) { set %csc.enable $true }
on *:INPUT:*: {
if ($len($1-) < 390) {
if ($1 == /me) {
if (%csc.enable == $true) { /me  $+ %csc.action $+ $enc($2-) | goto end }
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) { /me $2- | goto end }
elseif ($len($1-) > 390) {
if ($1 == /me) {
%1- = $2- | %c.1 = $left(%1-,385) | %len = $calc($len(%1-) - 385) | %c.2 = $right(%1-,%len)
if (%csc.enable == $true) { /me  $+ %csc.action $+ $enc(%c.1)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] }
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) { /me %c.1 [CUT] }
if ($len(%c.2) < 390) {
if (%csc.enable == $true) { .timerc1 -m 1 500 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.2)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [END] | goto end }
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) { .timerc1 -m 1 500 /me [CUT] %c.2 [END] | goto end }
elseif ($len(%c.2) > 390) {
%c.3 = $left(%c.2,390) | %len2 = $calc($len(%c.2) - 390) | %c.4 = $right(%c.2,%len2)
if ($len(%c.4) <= 390) {
if (%csc.enable == $true) {
.timercl -m 1 500 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.3)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CONT.]
.timerc1 -m 1 650 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.4)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [END]
goto end
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) {
.timerc1 -m 1 500 /me [CUT] %c.3 [CONT.]
.timerc2 -m 1 650 /me [CUT] %c.4 [END]
goto end
elseif ($len(%c.4) > 390) {
%c.5 = $left(%c.4,390) | %len3 = $calc($len(%c.4) - 390) | %c.6 = $right(%c.4,390)
if (%csc.enable == $true) {
.timerc1 -m 1 500 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.3)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CONT.]
.timerc2 -m 1 650 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.5)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CONT.]
.timerc3 -m 1 800 /me  $+ %csc.cut $+ [CUT] $+ %csc.action $enc(%c.6)  $+ %csc.cut $+ [END]
goto end
elseif (%csc.enable != $true) {
.timerc1 -m 1 500 /me [CUT] %c.3 [CONT.]
.timerc2 -m 1 650 /me [CUT] %c.5 [CONT.]
.timerc3 -m 1 800 /me [CUT] %c.6 [END]
goto end
if (%1- != $null) { unset %1- }
if (%c.1 != $null) { unset %c.1 }
if (%c.2 != $null) { unset %c.2 }
if (%c.3 != $null) { unset %c.3 }
if (%c.4 != $null) { unset %c.4 }
if (%c.5 != $null) { unset %c.5 }
if (%c.6 != $null) { unset %c.6 }
if (%len != $null) { unset %len }
if (%len2 != $null) { unset %len2 }
if (%len3 != $null) { unset %len3 }
menu status,channel,nicklist,query,menubar {
Color Cut 1.0
.$iif(%csc.enable == $true,Disable,Enable) $+ :/set %csc.enable $iif(%csc.enable == $true,$false,$true)
.Change Colors:/cutcolor

Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-04-07


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